"I was wondering if anyone had information regarding this inducer motor. It is a Fasco Catalog #A141 inducer motor with a 1 year warranty. I'm asking because this is the second time that it has failed now. I bought one online a year ago from Amazon, and just a week short of a year, it has failed.
What happens is whenever someone turns on the furnace, it makes a buzzing noise and the inducer motor won't spin, which is the first in operations for this furnace.
I want to submit a warranty claim ASAP and get this in before it expires. I'm not sure who to contact though..."
Mike Mark (mikemark8808)
Source: DIY Chat room, Nov. 09. 2015
Note: Buyer beware. Purchase furnace draft inducer blower motor at local fasco dealer shop. Quicker, reliable and better service. No motor is worth, if warranty service is limited.